National Forests in Montana Considering Fee Hikes
Many of the National Forests in Montana are considering hiking the fees for camp sites and cabins. Flathead National Forest Public Information Officer Janette Turk explains what’s being considered there.
"We're looking at those sites with better level amenities going from $65 to $85, sites with fewer amenities going from $40 to $50 per night," Turk said. "There will be several efforts over time, with each forest doing a news release and coming forward with fee increase proposals."
Turk says the fee increases are in line with other national forests, and that the extra income is needed.
"The main point would be that without fee increases, we may not be able to keep the facilities up to the standard that we need to, the costs of service go up over time and this is pretty consistent, nationally, with other fees," Turk said.
Other nearby forests like the Bitterroot National forest have proposals out for public review. Boyd Hartwig from the Lolo National Forest says they are still considering the issue internally. The public comments will be reviewed on November 20th, and changes are likely be in place next year.
Both the fee proposals for the Bitterroot and Flathead National Forests are available for public view here.