It was one of the first things I noticed when I arrived in Missoula - we sure have our share of casinos.

With all those spots to do a little gambling, maybe it's not a huge surprise where Montana ranks on WalletHub's list of the most gambling-addicted states.

They took a list of different factors into consideration including presence of illegal gambling operations, lottery sales per capita, share of adults with gambling disorders, and more.

You might be able to guess that Nevada was #1 on the list.  And after thinking about it, maybe you could pick Utah at the bottom of the list at #50.  But would you have guessed Montana would be at #3 on the list?  Yep, we made the top 3, powered by being #5 on the list of most casinos per capita.

See the complete rankings and story for the most gambling-addicted states HERE!  C'mon.....I betcha you want to click the link!

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