With the way the world has been so chaotic recently, now might be a great time for you to get your concealed carry permit. You never know what may happen and when you may need to protect yourself or your family. That is why it is wise to be a law abiding gun owner and get your permit properly. You also need to learn how to safely handle your firearm, as to not create any unnecessary harm to those around you.

If you have been interested in getting your concealed carry permit, now is your chance. The Equip 2 Conceal Firearms Group is hosting a concealed carry class this Sunday at the Best Western Grant Creek Inn.

Sunday April 23rd

3pm - 6pm

Class is $99

This Concealed Carry course will qualify you to apply for your Montana Concealed Carry Permit. During this 3 hour course, the instructor will cover information pertaining to your state’s concealed carry laws and many other aspects of carrying a concealed weapon. Additionally, our instructors will provide tips and pointers to help you achieve a higher level of firearms proficiency.

Get more details at the Equip 2 Conceal website.

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