You're walking the trail along the river when all of a sudden you're riveted to the graceful, almost slow-motion technique of an angler fly fishing.

Regardless of that angler's skill level, there is an artistry on display that has you a bit mesmerized and made you wonder if you could do it or how difficult it really is. Like the arc of a diver, that line curves and ascends before dropping silently into the water. And if you've thought to yourself, "I would really like to try that," the Missoula Lifelong Learning Center is giving you the opportunity to learn at a very affordable price.

A lot of skill goes into catching fish on a fly in rivers and lakes. There's the strategy of "match the hatch," trying to determine what live bugs are flying around at the time you're fishing. Are fish surfacing or maybe staying a little deeper?

Feel more confident after taking Fly Fishing 101, three consecutive Tuesday evenings, February 1, 8 and 15, from 5:30-7:30 p.m., with the first class being held at the Missoula Lifelong Learning Center, 310 South Curtis Street.

This class is for both experienced and inexperienced fly fishing enthusiasts wanting to catch more fish. You will learn how to identify bug life along with corresponding flies and the many different species of fish in Montana.  The second night of class, you will meet at a local fly shop for a field trip. Also included in this class will be discussions and illustrations on how to read water, understand the gear and equipment, tie basic knots and rig your own rod.

The three-part February class is only $47. As we post this, the latest count on remaining openings showed 8 spots still available. Classes will also be offered in March and April at a slightly higher fee. You can get more information and register for this class and see all the incredible classes the Missoula Lifelong Learning Center has to offer here.

LOOK: Things from the year you were born that don't exist anymore

The iconic (and at times silly) toys, technologies, and electronics have been usurped since their grand entrance, either by advances in technology or breakthroughs in common sense. See how many things on this list trigger childhood memories—and which ones were here and gone so fast you missed them entirely.



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