Missoula Invited to Celebrate 200 Years of Frankenstein
You're invited to celebrate Frankenstein Day with the University of Montana tomorrow (Thursday, January 18).
The University of Montana spectrUM Discovery Area will join museums and other science centers nationwide in celebrating the 200th anniversary of Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein." From 11:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., spectrUM will sponsor Frankenstein-themed activities. And what can you expect in the fiendish laboratory?
Visitors can build a voltaic pile (the first kind of battery), construct a Franken-toy creature using parts from other toys, make a moving mechanical device that imitates the movements of a living thing, design a mask that lights up and lots more.
The event is open to the public and admission is only $3.50 per person age four and up. Children three and under get in free. Your admission lets you take part in all the Frankenstein activities at no additional charge.
The spectrUM Discovery Area Hands-on Science Center is located at 812 Toole Avenue, also known as Toole Crossing. If you need to know you can contact Holly Truitt with spectrUM at 406-243-4828.
Have fun as you "GIVE YOUR CREATION.....LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"