Missoula Getting New Hiking Trail From $75,000 in Grant Money
Did the stay-at-home order make you appreciate just how great it is to be outside in the fresh air? Were you motivated to actually get moving and do something physical? Did you *gasp* even get a little exercise?
If you tried to hit a trail around town, you weren't the only one! It seemed like everyone was looking to squeeze in a walk or a hike as an alternative to being stuck inside. Bike riding was the outlet for our family. That was based on my one visit to the M Trail where I immediately regretted my decision and took full advantage of every bench along the path. Being chubby is a vicious cycle. I'm too out of shape to do the trail, but if I don't, I can't get the exercise to not be chubby. What's a guy to do?
Well, here's some good news for Missoula - it looks like we'll have another trail option in the not-so-distant future. Thanks to a $75,000 grant from the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, we should be seeing a new hiking trail by the end of next summer.
Five Valleys Land Trust received the grant and will use the money to create a trail that runs more than 4.5 miles from the Skyline Ridge Access above Deer Creek Road towards Mount Dean Stone. The new project will be called House of Sky Trail. More details can be found in this article from MontanaRightNow.com.
The hope is that work on the new project will begin at the end of this summer.
Are you excited to see a new trail option in town? What are some nice FLAT trails that I should check out?