Missoula Cinnabon Selling Frosting by the Pint
It's a joyous day of epic proportions! I don't think I'm exaggerating when I use that sentence to describe the news that Cinnabon is giving the people what the people really want - their Cinnabon frosting in large quantities! Who wants an extra frosting in a container with a lid the size of a 50-cent piece when you can now have it in a tub?
Sure, we'll look back on 2020 and remember it for the disaster it was.....but we'll also have to make a footnote that it was also when Cinnabon decided it was time to give consumers the gift of frosting in a pint for the first time. You read that right. They'll serve up their cream cheese frosting at over 900 of their locations for $5.99 a pop. And yes, I called to make sure the local store was participating.
Ok, for some, this news might not rank as high on the excitement level as it does for others. But dang, that frosting is just so good. If I were in charge of decision making it would be required tasting before you can legally be considered an adult.
I was jacked when they put a Cinnabon in at Southgate Mall. Gone are the days of only chowing down on their delicious handmade cinnamon rolls when travelling out of town. It's always been one of the traditions at our family gatherings for the holidays - Cinnabon with breakfast on Christmas morning. The bummer news is we've decided not to travel and we'll just lay low for the holidays this year. The good news is we have the Cinnabon in town so the breakfast tradition can still continue. And the best news might be all the money that didn't go to plane tickets can now go to pints of frosting!