Nice! Missoula Boy Scout Troop Will Collect Your Christmas Tree
Is your Christmas tree still up? We took ours down over the weekend and it always makes the house feel so empty when it's gone. At least we have a fake tree so the process of taking it down and putting it away until next year is pretty simple. But if you have a real tree, when it comes to getting rid of it, have you thought about disposing of it in a way that won't see it end up at the dump?
If you want to do the work and haul it yourself, there are four places around Missoula where you can take your real Christmas tree to be recycled and turned into mulch. You can see the list of dropoff locations HERE. If you're more of a "why do the dirty work when someone will do it for me?" type of person, a Boy Scout Troop in Missoula will pick your tree up and haul it away to be recycled. But you have to get signed up as they'll only be collecting trees for two more days.
If your tree is sitting on the porch or out in the grass because you haven't figured out what to do with it, this is a perfect fix. The Boy Scouts do suggest a $10 donation for their services and money goes to support camps and various other activities. It's all pretty simple - just fill out this form, pay with a check, cash, or Venmo, and leave your tree at the curb for collection day.

The final two days of tree collection will be Saturday (1/8) and Sunday (1/9.)
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