Missoula Big Brothers and Big Sisters Christmas Wish Tree
Missoula Big Brothers/Big Sisters has a couple of very worthwhile charity drives going on that you might want to contribute to.
Help bring Christmas to life for Missoula's youth and seniors in need. Please participate in the Holiday Wish Tree. This is a collaborative effort between Southgate Mall and Home Instead Senior Care. All you have to do is stop by the Wish Tree anytime between 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. and pick a tag off the tree. It's located in front of Eddie Bauer in Southgate Mall. Fulfill the wish on the tag and return the unwrapped gift to the Wish Tree by December 18.
Missoula BBBS also has an Adopt a Christmas Family program. They ask that you provide some warm clothing, family dinner and special gift or toy for each child in the family. If you would like more info on that, just call the Missoula Big Brothers and Big Sisters office at 406-721-2380.
Merry Christmas to all!