Mansfield Library To Display Moon Rock [AUDIO]
The Mansfield Library at the University of Montana will display a fragment of moon rock and hold a series of lectures in honor of the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 17 moon landing.
The rock to be displayed is a sliver from the Goodwill Moon Rock gathered in 1972 on the moon's Taurus-Littrow valley. 185 pieces of the moon rock were presented to various states and countries.
Montana's moon rock will be displayed in the lobby of the Mansfield Library from November 1st through December 14th.
Government librarian for the Mansfield Library, Susanne Caro, will present a lecture about the moon rock on Friday, November 2nd in the east faculty office of the Mansfield Library at 6 p.m.
Government librarian for the Mansfield Library Susanne Caro