In the early morning hours of July 11, 2022, a male, John Doe, was asleep in his trailer located on Beckwith Street in Frenchtown, Montana. Doe was awoken when three individuals entered the trailer and began arguing with and intimidating Doe’s roommate.

One individual was later identified as 39-year-old Shawn Madman. The second individual was a former resident of the trailer, but Doe had kicked her out a few days prior for failing to pay rent. The third individual was also a current resident of the trailer. The confrontation with the three eventually moved outside, where Madman continued to argue with Doe’s roommate.

During this argument, Madman threatened Doe’s roommate with a large knife. Doe exited the residence to attempt to intervene. Madman then produced a small pocketknife and cut Doe on his finger. Additionally, Madman made threatening statements to Doe indicating that he would stab Doe.

Doe and Madman proceeded to wrestle with each other on the ground. Eventually, Doe attempted to retreat toward a nearby trailer. Madman pursued Doe and produced another, larger folding knife. Doe heard the blade of the larger knife lock into place, but Madman then fled the scene.

According to court documents, Madman was later apprehended in front of a business on Beckwith Street. Madman matched the description given by Doe and Doe’s roommate of the person that had fought with them. Madman was interviewed and confirmed that he had been at Doe’s trailer and that a confrontation had unfolded, though Madman’s version of events differed from Doe and Doe’s roommate.

Madman is currently being charged with one count of felony assault with a weapon.

The information in this article was obtained from sources that are publicly viewable.

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