defines a "dream job" as,

 ...a position that combines an activity, skill, or passion with a moneymaking opportunity. They can be exciting and glamorous, like acting or playing music, or they can be prestigious and high-paying like working as a doctor or lawyer.

Obviously, everyone has a different idea of what their personal dream job might be. Perhaps yours is to own a pottery shop or a charming B&B on the Stillwater River. Maybe you'd like to make money with your hobby or be able to pay your bills as an artist or musician. Perhaps your dream job would be the president of your own company. My kids' dream job is to be a YouTube star or "influencer." SMH.


Not all of us can be fishing guides or ski instructors.

Many of us probably settle for a "not quite my dream, but it's alright" job. That's how I feel about mine. It's generally pretty fun, but it's still work. I had a boss when I was a teen who told me that's why work is called "work" not "fun." He was a smartass, but I pass his classic dad saying on to my kids when they're complaining about chores.

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loading... ran the odds of landing your dream job in Montana.

Two entities are really, really good with odds.... insurance companies and casinos. The folks at analyzed job data to determine the odds of finding your dream job in each state. Common dream jobs in their report include Doctor, Lawyer, Veterinarian, Psychologist, Photographer, Singer, Writer, Architect, Firefighter, Pilot, and Chef.

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Your best odds are for this "dream job" in Montana.

According to Bureau of Labor stats, you have the best odds of landing a dream job as a lawyer in Montana, with a 1 in 220 chance. Runner-up "best odds" include a doctor, with a 1 in 311 chance, and a firefighter with a 1 in 616 chance of landing the job. The worst odds of finding a dream job in Montana include securing a position as a professional singer (1 in 3,247), photographer (1 in 4,272), and writer (1 in 4,902). See the full report on the best state to land your dream job HERE.

LOOK: Do you know these 50 famous acronyms?

This list from Stacker features a collection of the most common acronyms and their meanings. Popular abbreviations include establishments like ACLU, YMCA, ad the AARP.

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