Human Trafficking Awareness Day
Unfortunately, a lot of our eyes were opened recently after our guy, Peter Christian from KGVO, talked to a detective from the Missoula Police Department about the extent of sex trafficking across the country, even Missoula. It's hard to put-off/overlook something that's happening in our backyard.
So if you were as unnerved as we were hearing some of the sex trafficking statistics, and you want to do something about it, you might want to consider checking out the Human Trafficking Awareness event coming up in March at the University of Montana.
Here's what's goin down:
There is no better weapon in the fight against human trafficking than knowledge.
This is a free event provided by The Missoula Human Trafficking Task Force, Missoula Police Department, Montana Department of Justice and The Mansfield Center.
WHAT: Human Trafficking Awareness
- Put on by the Missoula Human Trafficking Task Force
WHEN: Thursday, March 29th, 2018
WHERE: University of Montana
TIME: 8 am - 8:30 pm