Get Your Car Washed to Kick Off the Holiday Weekend
Don't stop at the car wash on Friday, get your rig washed on Saturday to benefit local kids. Besides, you can't even get tater tots at the other car washes.
Stop by the Eagles Lodge this Saturday, September 5th from noon to 4 p.m. to get a car wash to benefit CASA of Missoula. You can also grab lunch and a drink while you're there. The Eagles has really, REALLY great made to order cheeseburgers, and you get a good amount of food for your money. Plus, a full menu and full bar, so a perfect Saturday stop, and you'll leave with a clean ride. If you've never been, the Eagles is family friendly, open to the public, and located at 2420 South Avenue, right behind Rosauers.
CASA of Missoula is Court Appointed Special Advocates. Volunteers from the community go through a training before they are assigned to help a child, or group of siblings, in need of a trusted adult. These are Western Montana kids who have been removed from the home due to abuse and/or negligence. For instance, when kids are removed, they go to a temporary foster home or group home (like Watson.) The kids and their families wind up in family court, where lawyers are assigned to everyone involved, and it's quite a process that sometimes takes years before the children are reunited with their parents, or allowed to go back home. A CASA is their trusted adult through the process. Not a lawyer, not a relative, somebody who is looking out for the best interest of the child, and paying attention to details that may sometimes go overlooked. So, your donation at the car wash will go to train these local CASAs. Thank you in advance, and we'll see you on Saturday!
Also, if you've ever thought about volunteering as a CASA now is a good time to get interested. The next training begins in October, so the first step is filling out an online application here. You can also learn more about CASA responsibilities on that application page.