Free Virtual Playdates For Kids With Missoula Children’s Theater
You are probably now in constant acitivities-for-the-kids-ideas mode. Our fabulous Missoula MCT may be able to help.
For all those mini thespians out there, now is the time to keep busy and engaged, while staying inside and being socially responsible. The Missoula Children’s Theatre (MCT) Playdate is a fun, interactive, set of daily activities based on their one-week International Tour Program. Kids can learn lines, build props, sing songs, create costumes, and perform with your entire family. All with simple steps and Missoula Children's Theater's professional guidance. It's a fun opportunity to create that wonderful MCT magic in your very own home!
There is a full itinerary of activities each week:
Monday: Script, Sheet Music, Rehearsal and Performance tracks are available for download.
Tuesday: Blocking, choreography, PR materials, and directing prompts are available for download.
Wednesday: Costume presentation live streamed at 12PM mountain time – the live stream link will also be posted with the materials following the presentation.
Thursday: Set presentation live streamed at 12PM mountain time – the live stream link will also be posted with the materials following the presentation.
Friday: Former Tour Actor/Directors share what they love about this show.
Saturday/Sunday: Your performance! All materials will be available until Sunday evening of each week.
To gain access to each week's show materials, you do need to complete the access web form every week to receive the new login information.
While this program is free, a donation to help keep MCT on the map would be appreciated. You can register and get more info at the MCT Playdate page. The next Playdate event week is scheduled for this coming Monday, May 11. Have fun and maybe a star will be born in your house!
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