‘Fish and Drive’ Ladies Only Package Tonight at Big Brothers Big Sisters ‘Big’ Event
Tonight is going to be so much fun! Big Brothers Big Sisters have their 'BIG' event at the Ranch Club Barn on Mullan. There are a lot of cool things up for auction but this Fish and Drive package, for ladies only, is one you may want.
I am happy to be included in this auction item and thank you to the people that helped make it possible. So what is up for auction and what does it include?
The FISH AND DRIVE PACKAGE is for up to 3 ladies. This is an excursion of adventure and fun! 18 holes of golf with cart at the Ranch Club (with an employee or not, your choice). Then I (Charene the Adventure Queen) will be taking you on a trip to a private ranch in the Big Hole Valley for an excursion that includes a lot of nature, fly fishing and fresh air.
- breakfast
- transportation to and from the ranch
- light lunch (bring snacks if you are like me and get hungry easily)
- Fly Fishing equipment ( Waders and boots are NOT needed but wear comfortable shoes to hike/walk that you are OK with getting dirty)
- instruction if needed
THE RANCH CLUB donated 18 holes of golf with a cart. You can have an instructor/employee go with or enjoy it on your own.
The Big Hole Ranch has celebrities all around, Hank Williams JR lives close and John Michael Montgomery visits this same ranch every year. Plus Walt is one of the most interesting men in Montana.
Thank you to Walt and Cindy of the Ranch Club. They make my life so much better knowing them and they have graciously opened their doors.
Rock Creek Montana
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