Disney Trivia At Ogren Park On Tuesday
I've made my way out to Trivia Tuesdays at Ogren Park a few times over the summer, and like every other event they've been doing this year, I'm always impressed by how well they handle the social-distancing aspect. If you had a weekly trivia night at a crowded bar that's been cancelled thanks to COVID-19, why not check out the weekly trivia night at an open-air baseball stadium? It gives you a little more room to move around, they've still got beer, and they display your team name on the scoreboard!
Each week of Trivia Tuesday has a different theme - I've been there for Movie Trivia, High School Trivia, Harry Potter Trivia, and TV Sitcom Trivia. I did great with movies and TV sitcoms, and did really well with Harry Potter but was outclassed by the swarms of intense fans who destroyed our team. That one was by far the most crowded they've had this year, but I'm guessing this week's will give it a run for its money.
That's because this week's Trivia Tuesday is going to be Disney Trivia - the songs, the characters, the movies, the shows. If it's a Disney thing, it'll be part of the game. And I know there are some Disney obsessives out there who will be checking this one out.
Expect a crowd, but again, Ogren Park has done a great job keeping everyone distanced - masks are required when walking around, there's designated spaces for beer and food lines, and the tables are all spaced at least six feet apart. Are you going to test your Disney knowledge over at the ballpark? It's free to enter, doors open at 6:30 on Tuesday, August 11th and the game starts at 7:30.