With a couple hunting seasons starting up next week and more favorable fishing weather arriving, questions are on the increase.

Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks wanted us to remind you that they do have a call center for you to use. Just remember that patience is a virtue, folks.

For the foreseeable future, people interested in getting help with application and licensing questions should call the FWP Licensing Call Center at 406-444-2950 or email fwplic@mt.gov. The licensing call center will be answering calls from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. At times the call volume is high; please be patient as statewide staff work hard to answer questions in a timely manner.

Other questions?  If you’re trying to reach FWP staff to ask very localized questions outside of licensing issues, please call:

Kalispell:  406-751-4564

Missoula: 406-542-6501

Great Falls:406-454-5841



Miles City:406-234-0930 – for Block Management Program questions

Aquatic Invasive Species boat check inquiries: 406-444-2440


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