There were competing rallies in downtown Missoula on Tuesday evening, as nearly 200 people gathered near the office of republican Steve Daines.


Some were there to show their support of the impeachment of President Donald Trump, while others gathered to show their support for the President.

Ward 4’s Jesse Ramos was there and described what happened.

“There was an ‘impeach Donald Trump’ and a ‘re-elect Donald Trump rally going on downtown,” said Ramos, a Trump supporter. “Some were saying ‘No More Years, while others were saying ‘Four More Years’. Some of the groups were intermingled, but for the most part they were on opposite sides of the street, but later on they all melded together.”

Ramos said the pro-impeachment crowd was very passionate and loud, and he said there may have been an assault.

“A lot of the pro-impeachment people were clearly ‘crazy’ about some of that stuff,” he said. “They were just screaming in people’s faces, and somebody got assaulted. It was reported to police, and it was very spooky.”

Ramos related some of the sloganeering that was heard at the rallies.

“Hey hey, ho ho, Donald Trump has got to go,” was one,” he said. “There was the classic ‘F--- Donald Trump, there was Dump Trump. Lock Him Up. As for the Trump supporters, they primarily chanted ‘Four More Years.”

A call to Missoula police later that evening did not provide any details about an assault.

Ramos said Missoula Police were on the scene during the rallies.

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