Vote for the Best Photo in the Find New Roads Contest [SPONSORED]
Since the spring, we've been inviting you to send in your photos to be part of the Find New Roads contest. We asked for photos that demonstrate what it is to be a Montanan, living in the great outdoors and finding new roads doing what you love best! We collected a total of 42 photos, and now we need your help deciding which one should win the grand prize!
The person who submitted the photo that receives the most votes will win a prize package valued at $2,500 that includes outdoor gear from Bob Ward & Sons, and a weekend getaway at the Lemhi River, with world-class fishing on a private estate.
You're welcome to vote as many times as you'd like. Also, feel free to share this post with your friends and invite them to vote... and to just enjoy all these great pictures that truly show off the wonderful Montana lifestyle we all enjoy so much.
Voting ends at 11:59 p.m. (MST) Wednesday, Oct. 30 and the winner will be contacted on Thursday, Oct. 31.
All station contest rules apply, and the use of any voting proxy sites or other tools, tricks or shenanigans is strictly prohibited.
This blog is sponsored by Karl Tyler Chevrolet. Visit Karl Tyler Chevrolet at 3636 North Reserve Street, Missoula, MT 59808 or call 866-492-3671 for more information about the Find New Roads campaign and how you could win a getaway of a lifetime from Karl Tyler Chevrolet and Bob Ward & Sons.