Was your childhood was filled with Legos and building blocks? It's one of the things I remember most about being a kid - I had this Lego table that opened up and it held what seems like a million pieces of the plastic building bricks. It was awesome! The whole top of the table was basically one giant Lego piece so that you could just start building your creations from anywhere on the table. If you spent countless hours building as a kid you'll want to stop by the mall and see some pretty amazing creations that are about to be constructed.....although not with your typical building blocks.

Southgate Mall will play host to CANdemonium 2021 from April 9th-18th. It's a competition where the amazing structures are built out of canned food - and the great part is the event will help the Missoula Food Bank gather donations to fight hunger. And what canned food building event would be complete without a clever play on words? This year's theme is Rock CAN Roll. Ha!

Part of the event description on their Facebook page says: "Our local Food Bank has paired local businesses & organizations with architects & engineers to create larger-than-life structures made entirely of food to compete for fun awards, all while donating high-quality foods to help those facing hunger in our community."

Creations will be on display at Southgate Mall from April 9th - 20th.

This makes me want to dig the cans of corn and green beans out of the cupboard at home and see what masterpiece I can put together!

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