Buy or Sell at University of Montana Outdoor Gear Sale
What do you need for the great outdoors? UM students and the general public are all invited to buy or sell at the Outdoor Gear Sale.
This event it put on by the University of Montana Outdoor Program and will take place on Wednesday, October 11, from 12:00 - 5:00 pm in the University Center Atrium. Practically every Montanan could use a little more bike, ski, hiking, climbing or camping gear, right? So even if you're not selling, you will definitely want to shop the bargains on those kinds of items and more!
For those interested in selling gear, you can drop off your items between 7:00 - 11:00 am the day of the sale, in the U.C. Atrium. Sellers can pick up unsold items and receive a cash payout for their sold items between 6:00 and 7:30 that evening. The UM Outdoor Program collects 20 percent of the selling price, which goes toward new programs and equipment. You can get more details at the Campus Rec site here. Or you can call 406-243-5172. It's a perfect time to stock up on some new-to-you stuff and maybe make some money on items you no longer use...win/win! DB