Yesterday after leaving work, I got into a car accident mostly due to the road conditions. It was about 4:30pm and I was driving south bound on HWY 93 toward my house in Lolo. I had the KYSS-FM Jeep in 4-wheel drive and slowly making my way home. As so many of us know already, it's not only yourself, you have to worry about other drivers. Well that is exactly what happened in my case.


I feel bad for the guy, but a 20 year old who had just moved to Montana from California lost control of his Jeep going north bound on HWY 93 and slid across a few lanes of traffic to smack the vehicle I was driving pretty hard. The most important part is that no one was hurt, and luckily no air bags went off.

I was upset at first but quickly realized that is just going to make things worse, and again no one got hurt, that's most important. The other driver felt bad, and obviously this wasn't intentional.

With tomorrow being Thanksgiving this really makes me realize what is important, my health. Yeah, I'm a little sore and have a headache today but if that's the worst that happened we are both very lucky. Remember what's important this Thanksgiving, and drive safe out there!

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