I would rather eat them, but an artist in Reno sees them for their artistic beauty. Her name is Nancy Peppin and she loves to incorporate Twinkies into her work. Last year when Hostess announced they would be shutting down, like a lot of people Nancy stocked up on Twinkies. But she calls them "art supplies." Her work includes a Last Supper with Twinkies, Ding Dongs and Ho Hos and a pinup calendar with Miss Twinkie. Like most folks she's confident the Twinkie will live on. Inspiration for her, one more thing to continue to spread cake frosting on for me! Anyway, you can view some of her work at   http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/22/nancy-peppin-twinkie_n_2528196.html?utm_hp_ref=arts&amp

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