Another Grizzly Bear Attack in Montana This Week
Unlike the past couple incidents this spring and summer, while still concerning, we are grateful to not be reporting fatalities.
Associated Press tells us that a female grizzly bear injured two hikers near Ennis, Montana. Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks revealed that that two men were hiking with a dog off trail in the Bear Creek area close to dark on Tuesday night, when they encountered a sow grizzly bear with cubs at close range.
To hear the two hikers' account, it sounds like this could have ended much worse than it did. They were able to use bear spray, and even though they received minor injuries, they were able to get out of the area on their own.
Hardly surprising news when we're told that sows with cubs can be especially defensive in close encounters with people. Montana FWP officials speculate that the attack was likely defensive in nature. Trails in the areas have been marked with signs informing others of the incident.
As most of you are aware, a grizzly bear recently attacked and killed a woman who was camping in her tent near Ovando. Prior to that, a grizzly bear that fatally mauled a Montana man near Yellowstone National Park in April was likely defending a moose carcass. The bear continued to aggressively guard the carcass, charging at rescuers and investigators.
And apparently this bear was fighting with its own kind as well. After being shot and killed, investigators say a study of the bear's gastrointestinal contents discovered tissue from another grizzly bear.
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