2017 Senior Graduation Party Details!
The 2017 High School Senior All-Night Party is an opportunity for graduates to celebrate in a safe, positive, alcohol and drug-free environment. All seniors from all public and private high schools in Missoula County are invited. the first party was held over 30 years ago after too many young people lost their lives in graduation-night accidents.
This party is coordinated by parents and community volunteers. As always the Missoula community really stepped up to help out by donating services, materials, merchandise, cash, and gift certificates that are given away to the graduates.
The party this year will be on Saturday, June 3rd at the Hub Family Entertainment Center near the airport. There will be go-carts, laser tag, unlimited video games, chess with the Octopus, Bingo, and The Hitman DJ. Doors will open at 8:30pm, but there is no admittance after 10:00pm. The party lasts until 2:30am (Not all night, just a long night).
Tickets cost $20 in advance at the high school and the rehearsals at the University of Montana, and $25 at the door on the night. The cost of the ticket covers everything for the evening.
There is going to be so much food, lots of games and entertainment, music and dancing, and much more including prizes and hourly drawings. Some of the prizes that will be given away are gift certificates, a laptop, Beats, GoPro, television, and cash (the grand prize is $1000 - must be present to win). There is also a $1,000 scholarship to U of M and MSU that will be given away.
If you're interested in signing up to volunteer, you can do that here.
If you have any questions regarding the event contact MissoulaSeniorParty@gmail.com or call 207-1380.
Knockerball Knockdowns!