***UPDATE - Apple has disabled a group-chat function in FaceTime.  “We’re aware of this issue and we have identified a fix that will be released in a software update later this week,” Apple said in a statement.***

Whoa!  Someone can force your phone to answer?  This is pretty crazy.....AND SCARY!

It was discovered that the latest iOS upgrade for Apple includes a glitch where somebody can remotely force your phone to answer a FaceTime call without you knowing.  Once they do, they can listen to what you're doing.

The glitch impacts iPhones and iPads running iOS 12.1, and Apple PCs running macOS Mojave with the new Group FaceTime feature.

Apple is aware of the issue and hopes to have a fix later this week.

For now, the suggestion is you turn off FaceTime on your Apple device if you're worried about your privacy.

Open Settings on your iPhone or iPad / select FaceTime / toggle the green button at the top of the screen to OFF.

Open the FaceTime app / go to FaceTime / turn FaceTime OFF

Here's a great article about the issue ------> HERE!

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