Why My Face Was on Jennifer Aniston’s Instagram Story
Imagine my surprise when I spotted a photo collage with my face in it on Facebook. It was a post by Andy from The Center, sharing the news that Jennifer Aniston had shared the collage in her Instagram story. Rachel effing Greene. Jennifer "I finally joined Instagram and got 9 million followers in less than 24 hours" Aniston. A-list actress and world's favorite 'Friend', Jennifer freaking Aniston has my face in her IG story. Needless to say, I've spent the past day letting everyone know that she and I are very best friends.
All jokes aside and most importantly, Ms. Aniston is celebrating Montana's beautiful LGBTQ community, and promoting the importance of wearing protective masks as our state's COVID-19 numbers explode. Like most people, I was already a huge fan of her philanthropy, humor, talent and all of her work. Then she goes and recognizes Montana's most colorful community and melts all of our hearts, I love it, what a way to finish Pride Month!
A few weeks back, we let you know that Missoula's LGBTQ Center was taking orders for free rainbow masks and boy howdy was that a success. A success that Andy Nelson and his crew were celebrating with a collage of masked faces when Jennifer Aniston picked it up. With that said, Montana officially exceeded 1000 positive COVID-19 cases this week, WEAR YOUR MASK, please, we'd like to keep the state open and allow good people to keep going to work. If you want a rainbow one, you can check with The Center on their Facebook page to see if they are still available.