I saw a couple stories over Thanksgiving weekend about people being pretty fired up over the shortages of the Playstation 5. One was about a large group of people who thought a business would have a decent amount of gaming systems - only to find out the small print said there would only be two available. Let's just say there were a few unhappy campers that spent a lot of time waiting in line for nothing. On the flip side, you didn't see any negative stories about people not being able to get their hands on some Play-Doh - and that bodes well for gift buyers in Montana.

Why am I throwing Play-Doh into the Playstation 5 conversation? Well, it would seem that Play-Doh is a pretty popular item in our state - at least when it comes to being searched online. The fine folks at Treetopia put together their findings on the most popular gifts across the country and Montana's top searched gift overall was Play-Doh. It does seem like a bit of an interesting result - given all the fancy toys available for kids these days. But maybe it's fitting - Montana as a whole doesn't try to be all flashy and in your face - maybe our choice of toy follows that thinking.


Here's how Treetopia came up with their lists:

"Using Google Search trends from 2020, we compiled the most popular gifts based on what people have been looking for. We examined different categories, including entertainment, home, beauty, technology, health, and children’s gifts. First, we determined the top searched gifts by category. Then, we conducted a state-by-state survey to determine what item per category people would prefer giving or receiving this holiday season. Based on these combined datasets, we were able to create statewide and nationwide results to see what the crowd favorites under any tree would be."

Check out the findings in all the different categories with the Treetopia list of The Top Holiday Gifts in the US for 2020.

And if you still need some ideas for the season - Here are the most popular gifts in each category for Montana:

Top Entertainment Gift: Hulu
Top Home Gift: Instant Pot
Top Tech Gift: Bluetooth speaker
Top Beauty Gift: Classpass
Top Health Gift: Fab, Fit, Fun Subscription box
Top Kid Gift: Play-Doh


CHECK THEM OUT: 100 years of Christmas toys, gifts and fads


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