What Changes Are Coming to Big Sky Arcadia at Southgate Mall?
I was a video game freak when I was younger. I'm not sure you can convince me that there was any better time to be a kid than growing up in the 80's with the Nintendo Entertainment System. You were living the good life if you had the Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt combo. I don't know how much time was wasted in front of the tv with those terrible graphics, that dog laughing at me, and the unreliably accurate Nintendo gun.
I also had the Power Glove. Remember that thing? You wore the glove and used it as a controller through your motions. It was the big craze when it came out but it was a bust. I remember it being kind of fun to play Mike Tyson's Punch-Out with - but being incredibly complicated to use with any other game. But when every kid saw Fred Savage using it in the movie The Wizard - we all had to have one
When I hit my teens I used to love going to the arcade in the mall. NBA Jam, Mortal Kombat, NFL Blitz, Street Fighter......if I could only have back the money I blew in quarters back in the day! My video game playing over the years morphed into just having interest in a couple sports games - and now that I have kids I'll only play a bit on the weekends after the kiddos go to bed. But I still love to poke my head into Big Sky Arcadia as I'm walking around Southgate Mall. And if you're a fan of the arcade it looks like they have some exciting news coming soon!
They posted the tease to their Facebook page and that sparked a few questions asking about what was happening. According to answers that Big Sky Arcadia gave in the comment section of their post - they're expanding their current location inside the mall, it's happening in less than a month, and details will be coming soon.
Hopefully with the added space they'll be able to add a bunch of cool stuff. It's pretty amazing what they can do with arcade games these days.
Don't forget - Big Sky Arcadia is open every day of the week and it's a great place to hold a birthday party. Check out their WEBSITE for more details.
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