With Montana temperatures expected to move convincingly into the 70s this weekend, we've finally reached that point where it's time to put "winter" behind us.

Just please ignore the fact that National Weather Service forecasters are warning us there could be some more spring snow next week, with storms that may drop several inches in the high country.

Here then is a "Top 6" list of things you can do to collectively change our "seasonal awareness".

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Montana dandelions
Dennis Bragg photo

6). Pull some weeds

Let's get the most disagreeable idea out of the way first. Because what can make you feel better than getting the jump on the annual "Battle of the Weeds." I've already noticed the first dandelions exploring our defenses, and wouldn't be surprised if we're headed to the dreaded "Dandelion Weekend" when your entire yard erupts. So get your products in place and make an advance attack before they do.

READ MORE: Can This Simple Change Benefit Montana Lawn Mowing?

Unsplash; Clem Onojeghuo
Unsplash; Clem Onojeghuo

5). Find a yard sale

Haven't seen any yard sale signs up yet? Then organize your own! One thing about being the first on the block is that everyone is so excited they won't notice how much junk you're trying to dump.

Dennis Bragg photo
Dennis Bragg photo

4). Spring skiing (end-of-season fun)

Last weekend was most of the winter carnivals at our Montana ski hills. But there's still time for one last day on the skis or 'boards on your own (and you probably don't have the 'bod for a bikini in front of crowds anyway). But seriously, plan this one for next spring.

RELATED: How Montana snows saved ski season

Unsplash; Dustin Tramel
Unsplash; Dustin Tramel

3). Backyard BBQ

While cranking up the grill is a sure way to send winter back on the far side of next November, there's a better reason. With grocery prices, you might not be able to afford steaks in a few months!

Dennis Bragg photo
Dennis Bragg photo

2). First "real" hike of the year

You'll still do some "post-holing" at the higher elevations, but now's the time to venture into those foothill trails. Just take the tick spray. They may be all over the place, but at least the tourists aren't.

Dennis Bragg photo
Dennis Bragg photo

1). Road Trip to the Front

This is the perfect weekend for a Montana road trip (again if you've been saving up for expensive snacks all winter). Any direction will do. But my spring favorite has to be the Rocky Mountain Front. Just do it now before the May rains make those dirt roads more of an adventure than you deserve.

Think summer!



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