Thomas Meagher Bar To Host Annual Stein Holding Competition
Have you ever tried stein holding? I've never been in a competition for it, but back when I was first starting in radio in New York, my station would sponsor events where people would do it - and, being a lowly roadie who had to set up equipment, I ended up at a lot of them. So of course, I tried it myself a couple of times. And let me tell you, it gets really tough really fast.
It sounds so simple! Just hold a filled glass in your outstretched arm longer than everyone else! And then you do it, and you hit that 30-second mark, and you really start needing some actual upper body strength. It's harder than it looks, but if you think you can handle it, you should check out the Thomas Meagher Bar while they hold their annual competition.
This'll be happening on September 24th - it's an event they hold every year to celebrate Oktoberfest. Of course, there will be prizes - the top three winners will get something, and they'll have swag and giveaways at the door. Plus, 1 Liter steins to take home, which is pretty nice, too.
The event kicks off at 7 PM, but they'll have Oktoberfest food specials running all day. Which actually reminds me that all the different beer brands are releasing their Oktoberfest beers right about now, and those are often the best kinds of beer, so I should really stop writing this and go out to pick some up.
If you need more info on the Thomas Meagher Bar's Stein Holding Competition, you can check out the details at their Facebook event page.