The UM Marching Band Deserves High Praise – and Dry Clothes
The University of Montana and San Diego football teams were in their warm locker rooms at halftime November 29 as the snowstorm arrived in Missoula.
Half the stadium had adjourned to tailgate parties, but the rest of us were hunkered down, watching the snow pile up -- and here comes the UM Marching Band!
A little snow wasn't going to slow them down. Their performance at three different locations on the field was spirited and excellent. They left tracks in the snow as they maneuvered into position and at times, I wondered if they could see the director through the snowflakes (see photo).
Filing off the field accompanied by the drumline, the band had succeeded in warming up the audience with their Montana "the show must go on" abilities.
Throughout the year, that group of University of Montana musicians has consistently delivered a great bundle of school spirit at every home Griz football game. Way to go, UM Marching Band! We hope Santa treats you well this Christmas!