
Backyard Chicken Addiction
Backyard Chicken Addiction
Backyard Chicken Addiction
I purchased a few chickens this spring and started my backyard chicken farm. I must admit that I was a little apprehensive at first as to exactly how things would go. I worried about my chickens running off if they were let out of the coop. I was concerned other animals would get into their coop and eat them. The thing that scared me the most was that my husband has a bird dog.
A Garden for Him, a Chicken Coop for Her
A Garden for Him, a Chicken Coop for Her
A Garden for Him, a Chicken Coop for Her
So last year my husband really got into gardening. He built himself a nice big garden with raised beds and six foot high fences to keep the deer out. He probably had 300 tomatoes come out of his garden, along with a few other vegetables. The garden was a great success and he is already itching to turn his thumb green this year. I caught him scouring gardening websites last night, looking for just