A couple reminders as we enter peak tourist season: slower traffic keep right...oh yeah- and bears. By the way, The Big Sky Business Journal's Evelyn Pyburn tells us that we are expecting a record tourism year.
We were at dinner with some of our Scandinavian Montanan friends on Saturday night- which isn't that hard to do given the fact that there are so many Scandinavian Montanans with Minnesota ties.
A dispatcher with the Stillwater County Sheriff's office tells us that the 911 call came in at 6:12 Saturday morning. A railroad bridge collapsed between Reed Point and Columbus, Montana with multiple tanker cars in the Yellowstone River.
There was so much flooding in Billings, Montana over the weekend that people were fishing on Shiloh Road. The National Weather Service (NWS) says Billings is already up to at least 4 inches of rain for the month of June, even though we are only 4 days in.
Colonel Little shared an unclassified update on the transformation that is set to take place at our nuclear missile sites here in Montana, noting that Northrup Grumman has already been on the ground and environmental surveys are being conducted as well.
Montana Governor Greg Gianforte says the object that was shot down over Lake Huron is the same object that was spotted over Havre, Montana and led US authorities to shut down the airspace briefly on Saturday.
A video was posted on Twitter around 5 p.m. Mountain Time purporting to show an "explosion in the sky" over Billings, Montana. The Twitter user reported hearing a jet before the explosion.
Larry Mayer is not only an incredible photographer who captured the above photo of the Chinese spy balloon over Billings, Montana- he's also a pilot who has great connections and insight when it comes to aviation in Montana.
The New York Post is reporting this week that Texas lawmakers are eyeing a bill to outlaw foreign ownership of land in the Lone Star State. For those wanting to see something similar move forward here in Big Sky Country, I've got good news for you.