
Summer Sports
Summer Sports
Summer Sports
My boys love sports. They play all kinds. However, we usually have a break from them in the summer and try to focus on fishing and camping. This doesn’t mean my kids still don’t want to play sports, though.
Candy Crush Fever
Candy Crush Fever
Candy Crush Fever
Anyone who has an electronic device that is two years old or less has either heard of Candy Crush or is addicted to it. I think it’s safe to say that if you’ve ever tried Candy Crush, even once, you are probably addicted to it.
Monopoly is Boring Because You’ve Been Playing It Wrong
Monopoly is Boring Because You’ve Been Playing It Wrong
Monopoly is Boring Because You’ve Been Playing It Wrong
You probably think of Monopoly as that excruciating board game you have to play with your family, unless your mom likes to make her nephews cry and it gets banned from the house (thanks, Mom!). It turns out it's not the Parker Bros.' fault that the game is so mind-numbingly dull -- it's yours. You've been playing it wrong all these years.
Play To Win
Play To Win
Play To Win
We are giving away a pair of tickets to the 2013 Chamberlin Rail Jam. As much as we would just love to give everyone tickets, that is just not possible. So we have left this decision to the next best thing, ‘rock, paper,  scissors.” This seems to be the perfect answer since this year’s theme is “rock,  paper, scissors...
Summer Party Games
Summer Party Games
Summer Party Games
Both my husband and I have birthdays in the summer. They happen to be a week apart, so we try to have a big birthday party for the both of us. I have put together some of the best outdoor party games for your parties this summer.