Sphen, Half of Adorable Gay Penguin Couple, Dead at 11Sphen, Half of Adorable Gay Penguin Couple, Dead at 11The rest of the penguin colony could be heard singing in his honor this week. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Insane Aussies Invade Montana Using Custom Bowling Ball CanonInsane Aussies Invade Montana Using Custom Bowling Ball CanonWord got out of a mad science teacher in Montana shooting canons. Soon a group of Australian YouTubers found themselves in Big Sky CountryKCKC
Oops. Tourist Mistakenly Lands in Billings Instead of AustraliaOops. Tourist Mistakenly Lands in Billings Instead of AustraliaHere's the tale of one foreign traveler who inadvertently landed in Billings recently - instead of Australia - on his way to Sidney... er, Sydney. Michael FothMichael Foth
Remember When Keith Urban Scored His First No. 1 Hit?Remember When Keith Urban Scored His First No. 1 Hit?Two rock legends co-wrote the song.Sterling WhitakerSterling Whitaker
Missoula Paddleheads Raffle to Help Australian Fire EffortsMissoula Paddleheads Raffle to Help Australian Fire EffortsShow proof of your donation and you could get a ton of cool Paddleheads prizes. Mike SmithMike Smith
Montana Firefighters Sent to Australia to Fight WildfiresMontana Firefighters Sent to Australia to Fight WildfiresThe US has sent about 100 firefighters to Australia so far. Mike SmithMike Smith
Does the Punishment Fit the Crime?Does the Punishment Fit the Crime?Should police officers be able to suspend your license for 30 days, if they see you distracted behind the wheel?Billy JenkinsBilly Jenkins