Traffic headed northbound on Orange Street was limited to one lane after a fire truck slid off the road and smashed into a pedestrian walkway just before the Orange Street underpass before 11 a.m. on February 25.

"Crews were returning from a medical aid call on west Alder," said Missoula City Fire Chief Jason Diehl. "The engine captain was driving to St. Pats when he made a right hand turn onto Orange Street."

The truck didn't actually hit the underpass, so there was no structural damage to pass itself. The same cannot be said for the fire engine.

"As he was approaching the underpass, there was an oncoming vehicle that was crowding the center line," Diehl said. "He just moved a little bit over to the right to ensure there was enough passing space and his front passenger-side tire got stuck in a snow berm which sucked him into the walkway there. It smashed in the front bumper pretty good and damaged the radiator."

The engine had to be towed, and, although the damage is reparable, there were no estimates available for the cost to repair. There were no reported injuries.

Jason Diehl:

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