Sat Morning Montana Update to Friday COVID-19 Stats
The Saturday morning update to Friday's, March 27, Montana positive tests for the COVID-19 virus has been posted by the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services. It shows 129 positive tests in the state, with Ravalli County holding at 1 case. Meanwhile, reporting the most cases are: Gallatin County (Bozeman) is at 46 positive cases, Billings has 23, Helena has 9, Missoula is up to 9, Silver Bow (Butte) is at 8, Great Falls at 7 and the Kalispell area at 6. Another update will be released Saturday afternoon.
Saturday, March 28, is Day One of the Montana "Shelter in Place" order and most public gathering places are closed. If you do go out of the house today, maintain that 6-foot (or more) social distancing. The Ravalli County Administration Center had been open to the public Friday, but it is now closed to the public. Call the individual offices for more information, during regular business hours Monday through Friday. Contacts are listed below:
The Ravalli County Administration Center on South 4th in Hamilton will be closed to the public from March 30 through 10 (AND/OR UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE) From Ravalli County news release:
Board of County Commissioners EMAIL: ctaggart@rc.mt.gov commissioners@rc.mt.gov PHONE 406-375-6500
Clerk and Recorder EMAIL: recorder@rc.mt.gov PHONE: 406-375-6555
Elections Office EMAIL: elections@rc.mt.gov PHONE: 406-375-6550
Environmental Health EMAIL: RCEH@rc.mt.gov PHONE: 406-375-6565
Extension Office (MSU Extension) EMAIL: pmangan@rc.mt.gov or katelyna@rc.mt.gov PHONE: 406-375-6611
Finance Office EMAIL: Claims jexner@rc.mt.gov kmurphy@rc.mt.gov Payroll vstromberg@rc.mt.gov PHONE: 406-375-6524
GIS EMAIL: kmiller@rc.mt.gov PHONE: 406-375-6626
Planning Office EMAIL: planning@rc.mt.gov PHONE: 406-375-6530
Treasurer’s Office - All vehicle registrations and tax payments shall be completed electronically or by mail-in ONLY EMAIL: txdesk@rc.mt.gov PHONE: 406-375-6585
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