Donald Trump has been called a lot of things, but this is a new one.

A pheasant in China has become an internet celebrity because its hair resembles that of the president-elect.

The five-year-old pheasant, nicknamed Little Red, lives in a safari park in China. The bird's keeper says the resemblance is something that has eluded him until recently. "I had not noticed the likeness in the past because I had not paid particular attention to the pheasant's hairstyle," he said. "But after Trump was elected president of America, I start seeing more pictures of him and I think the pheasant looks a little bit like him."

The bird has become a star in China, with several people discussing it on social media. However, a spokesman for the safari park says, "We see the pheasant every day. We don't think he is special in anyway, so we are very surprised to see he has become a star."

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