New Rules In Place From Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks [YouTube]
2015 is what is called a 'new license year' for both hunting and fishing in Montana.
Communications and Education Director for Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks, Ron Aasheim said there are several items of interest that sportsmen and women need to be aware of for 2015.
"2015 is a new license year beginning the first of March, so if you're going to fish, you'll need to buy a new license," Aasheim said. "That's the biggest news as far as the general public is concerned. Spring turkey season gets underway in a month or so. and if you're interested in special permit opportunities, you need to apply by the 5th, that's this Thursday."
Aasheim also had news for elk and deer hunters.
"The deadline to apply for bull elk and buck deer permits is March 16th, and that's a really big deal in Montana," he said. "That's the opportunity to hunt in some of these special areas where you have to have a permit to hunt these bull elk and buck deer. Getting these permits is real easy, in fact, we encourage people to go online to our website and get signed up."