Very few predators create polarization like this one does.

For or against, wolves remain at the forefront of discussions when it comes to Montana wildlife. So, what do the latest population numbers tell us? The observation here is that it gives at least some ammunition to both sides of the argument.

Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks has just released its latest state wolf report. In the report released July 31, FWP says the wolf population in Montana remains healthy, according to the 2023 report. Increased harvest during the 2023 wolf season has not yet resulted in an estimated decline to the statewide total. However, biologists expect to see a moderate decline in wolf numbers next year resulting from the increased harvest in early 2024.

According to Quentin Kujala, FWP Chief of Conservation Policy, the agency remains committed to "following the law to reduce wolf numbers to a sustainable level, which means ensuring Montana has a healthy state managed population.”

Wolf hunting in Montana
Image courtesy of Montana FWP


The statewide wolf population estimate for calendar year 2023 is approximately 1,100 wolves, similar to 2022. However, Montana FWP is seeing declines in the estimated number of wolves and wolf packs in Region 3 (southwest Montana) and Region 4 (north central Montana), which suggests "the combination of hunting, trapping, and conflict management removals can effectively reduce wolf numbers."

In the new report, the number of Montana wolf packs was 181, spread over 66,000 square miles. Total wolf harvest for the 2023-2024 wolf season was 286 wolves, which was an increase from 258 taken during the 2022-23 season.

Livestock conflicts, confirmed livestock losses and wolf removals were all down considerably in 2023, according to the report. FWP confirmed the loss of 32 livestock to wolves, including 23 cattle and eight sheep. One livestock guard dog was also killed by wolves. This total was lower than numbers from 2012 to 2022.

At the August 16 Fish and Wildlife Commission meeting, FWP will propose wolf and furbearer regulations for the 2024-2025 seasons. The proposed total wolf harvest quota is 334 wolves, up from 313 for the 2023 season.

More information in the report can be obtained on this page of the Montana FWP website.

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