Need a Getaway? Snow Geese Flocking to Freezeout Lake in Montana
They're not being detained at the border. They're not on 14-day quarantine. And they're not worried about social distancing.
As you look for outdoor activities to pass the time and fill the hours of routines interrupted, you might want to consider a visit to Freezeout Lake in Montana and take in the spectacle of the annual migration of snow geese and swans.
Freezeout Lake is Montana's primary snow geese staging area, a place where as many as 300,000 snow geese and 10,000 tundra swans gather and rest before flying onward. In the spring, the snow geese head for Alberta and central Saskatchewan in Canada. There they meet with hundreds of thousands of other snow geese from Texas and other Gulf Coast States.
Freezeout Lake is 40 miles west of Great Falls along U.S. Highway 89.
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