Natural Resources Defense Council Places Ad Buys Opposing Zinke
The Natural Resources Defense Council Action Fund has begun a series of television ads in Montana that are highly critical of President Donald Trump and his Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke over several different issues.
Matt Skoglund is a Senior Adviser to the NRDC Action Fund. Skoglund says the Trump Administration is responsible for the reduction in funding for many aspects of environmental protection for the U.S. and especially in the west.
“The Trump administration along with Secretary Zinke are proposing some big budget cuts that would drastically and negatively affect us here in Montana,” Skoglund said. “Fortunately, Senator Tester’s been outspoken in opposing these proposed budget cuts and his opposition goes well beyond those cuts to the National Park Service, and the proposed park entry fee hikes. He’s also opposed to budget cuts that would damage our air, our water, our health and our way of life in Montana.”
Skoglund said his organization is encouraging residents in many western states to contact their Congressional delegations.
“The NRDC Action Fund is encouraging the public to reach out to their elected officials and speak loudly and clearly oppose these cuts to the EPA, the Department of the Interior that would eliminate both staff and programs.”
Skoglund said the NRDC Action Fund has a budget of over five figures for both television and internet ads opposing Trump and Zinke’s plans.