MT School on List of 30 Universities That Aren’t Worth the Money
I was browsing around online today and found this article from They rank 30 universities that aren't worth the money.
The rankings come from a national company measuring return on investment (ROI) for students 20 years after they graduate.
Basically, they claim these are universities that you'll pay a pretty penny for but end up with lower paying jobs.
One school in Montana was on the list - The University of Montana Western in Dillon.
Here's what they had to say about the school taking the #27 spot on the list:
The University of Montana Western says that it offers an “experiential education,” and that’ll happen when a school is located right smack-dab in the middle of two of America’s best national parks: Yellowstone and Glacier. Yes, the scenery is beautiful at UMW.
Though UMW boasts a 46% graduation rate (a high for this list), all that environmental focus just isn’t paying off these days. Even though you can get your education mostly outdoors, experiencing some of the country’s greatest treasures, the focus on the environment just doesn’t pay off in the job sector. That’s why graduates from UMW can expect to get a -$71,400 return on their investment.
You can read the full article here, although there's no additional content about UMW.
What do you think about the University of Montana Western making the list? Did you or anybody you know go to school there? Would you agree with the school being included on the list?