Some say it is in the water, while other believe it is just the product of the clean air, but Montana claims the number one spot for some of the most attractive people in the U.S. A study by the dating sight Clover ranked American states from most to least attractive. It turns out, Big Sky country is known for harboring some pretty good looking dudes. I for one and not surprised. Us Montana guys are pretty studly.

According to the travel website Thrillist

Clover developed a scoring system to determine an individual's level of attractiveness, then applied the scoring to user data to suss out the best-looking people nationwide. Connecticut took the title of state with the most beautiful women

The stats for men, thankfully, were a little more surprising. Montana came out with the most handsome men, showing that the cowboy will never go out of style.

But, after reading more into the study, I have to say that I feel slightly bad for the folks of Rhode Island. However, you will notice that the states with the most attractive women, also score high on the amount of least attractive men. Oh the irony.

The most attractive states for men are:


2) South Dakota

3) Utah

4) North Dakota

5) Missouri

6) Oklahoma

7) Nebraska

8) Iowa

See the full results, including the ranking of most/least attractive women, by clicking here.

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