Missoula County’s Air Quality Updates Are Really Funny
You've probably noticed that it's pretty dang smokey outside. This is a relatively new sensation for me - I first moved to Missoula two years ago, and I remember early on there was one day where the town had smoke in it, but it disappeared pretty quickly. This is definitely the worst it's been since I've been here, and it looks like it's going to keep happening all week.
So, especially since this is new for me, I've been trying to keep informed and up-to-date about the smoke. As a result, I discovered that Missoula County's website has been posting detailed updates about the air quality in town. But here's the thing - the updates tell you all the info you could ever need to know, and they do it in a clear way that everyone should be able to understand... but they also keep sneaking jokes in there once in a while.
Like, you'll be reading along and suddenly they'll compare the smoke to Mordor from Lord of the Rings or make a joke about Shark Week. It's made keeping up with these really fun, trying to spot stuff where the writer is lightening up the situation a bit.
Here's a few examples that I've found over the last few days:
I do like it when I can laugh with the news, especially with how rough things have been for 2020. Have you been keeping up with these air quality updates?