A local church, Faith Missoula, will be showing family-oriented movies outdoors in Franklin Park this summer.

Pastor Ron Thiessen said the idea of showing the movies outdoors is to encourage residents in the Franklin area to spend time together outdoors while enjoying some wholesome entertainment.

"For the Franklin community and anyone else who would like to attend, we're offering free movies, these are Hollywood movies that are family-oriented," Thiessen said. "We'll be showing them outside in Franklin Park starting at about dusk, that's about 9:30 p.m. weather permitting. The first one is this Saturday night, June 14th, and then another movie about every two weeks on Saturday nights."

Thiessen said due to copyright restrictions, he could not name the specific movie titles.

"Some of the movies are like "The man From Snowy River", "Despicable Me", and "Ice Age"," Thiessen said. "We'll start out with "The Last Starfighter", with some others like "Dr. Doolittle". Of course, they're free of charge. We will be offering popcorn, bottled water and candy for sale."

Some metal chairs will be available, but Thiessen said those who attend may wish to bring their own lawn chairs to be more comfortable.

Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Franklin Park is located at the corner of 10th Street and Schilling.

Faith Missoula Pastor Ron Thiessen

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