If you're looking to move into a new apartment anytime soon... well, maybe hold off on that.

Or at least, don't expect to have as many options as you might otherwise. A new report shows that a little less than one percent of all apartments in Missoula are vacant right now. During a normal housing market, roughly four percent of apartments would be available to potential renters.

So that kinda stinks! I've lived in Missoula for almost three years now, and all in the same apartment. But I remember the scramble to find a place here when I first moved - it was August, which meant that a lot of places had already been taken by college kids as the school year was starting. It got competitive. I remember there was one terrific, two-bedroom apartment that I loved, and thought I was going to get based on the conversation I had with the landlord... and then, a day later, found out that someone else ended up getting it.

I ultimately settled on a one-bedroom place that I really like, but my girlfriend and I are considering a move once the lease is up. And it sounds like that might be a little bit of a headache right now. But who knows? They say that Missoula is expected to finish roughly 400 new housing units by the end of the year, so that could be a big help.

Are you looking for a new place in Missoula and getting frustrated? Do you think you'll be able to find a place you really like?

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