Klingon Sword Makes Weird Assault Weapon
The court docket will probably not read, "Captain's Log, Star Date 112015." But they will beam up some assault charges. And he will be tried as a human, not a Klingon from Star Trek.
This happened in Spokane and it might end up being one of those he said-she said cases. A 50-year-old Spokane man is facing assault charges for swinging a Klingon sword, also know as a bat'leth. But you Trekkies out there already knew that, right? Apparently our spaced-out friend got into an argument with a neighbor over trash in the yard.
The neighbor claims the guy swung his sword at him, but the defendant's wife says her husband didn't pull the weapon until the enraged neighbor barged into their house.
The defendant has hired the law firm of Spock, Kirk and Scotty to represent him. DB